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Reference Number: NA-1010241487


Candidate Description:

This Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT candidate has over 20 years of experience managing ranches. He earned a BS degree in Farm and Ranch Management from Montana State University and attended Ranching for Profit School. His currently the Manager for a ranch unit running 4,000 cows and 3,000 yearling steers on 150,000 acres of deeded, tribal leases and forest service allotments. He's also been involved in a 10,000 head grow yard where calves are grown through the winter to either be sold out of the yard or go back to grass. He operates the unit with eight full time cowboys and two or three dayworkers as needed. Some of his accomplishments include stopping the revolving door of employees, creating an annual cashflow budget, putting an annual pasture rotation in place and worked with USFS to combine three separate allotments into one. Before his current position he turned around a 15,000-acre ranch running 600 cows. The ranch had no equipment, worn out and weed infested fields, infrastructure in disrepair and inferior cows. During his seven years tenure he was able to create an annual cashflow budget, institute a rotational grazing system, improved the genetics of the cow herd, marketed calves that age and source verified. He controlled the weeds in the farm fields and seed them to cover crop mix to extend the grazing season and set up an intensive grazing system for both cover crops and native range pastures.
Contact Info:

If you would like to consider this candidate for your position, please refer to their Reference Number and contact Eric Hansen at eric@hansenagriplacement.com or call 308-382-7351.