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Reference Number: NA-1254356149

Ranch / Ranch Manager

Candidate Description:

This Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT candidate has been working and progressing within the cattle industry. He is currently a Ranch Manager overseeing two separate camps on a large New Mexico cow-calf operation. Duties include but are not limited to; cattle care, calving, feeding and ordering of mineral, lick, etc. Equipment operation, upkeep and general maintenance, welding, fence maintenance, monitoring wells, water lines and solar equipment to insure all are in working order to provide cattle with water. Seasonal grow yard work, gathering, roping, vaccinations, branding and more. His prior positions included Feedyards and other ranch opportunities. He worked for a 25,000 head feedyard in Colorado where he checked pens, identified sick cattle and doctored sick cattle daily. Processed all incoming cattle, shipped out cattle ready to go to the plant, day-to-day cattle movements. Provided feedyard pen maintenance, cleaned bunks, cattle work areas and kept animal health records. He started his career as a Ranch Hand for a large ranch performing basic ranch duties such as fencing, checking and doctoring cattle, feeding and monitoring and repairing watering systems and worked his way up through the ranks. Searching for good long-
Contact Info:

If you would like to consider this candidate for your position, please refer to their Reference Number and contact Eric Hansen at eric@hansenagriplacement.com or call 308-382-7351.