Reference Number: NA-6130655850
Candidate Description:
Trevor grew up on the 300 cow family dairy. Since then he has gained experience working on or with dairies ranging in size from 50 to 1500 cows. He has strong knowledge and experience in herd health, AI breeding, TMR, grazing, crop rotation, harvesting, planting, and he is pesticide certified in the State of Virginia. He is experienced in DHIA testing and explaining results to fellow dairymen. He is mechanically inclined and can maintain and repair equipment and buildings. Andrew also served on the Milk Co-op Advisory Board for 6 years, managed, has managed up to 10 route drives, and worked for DHIA for 1 year filling in for a tech who had been in an accident. He has also taken a course in vetting, breeding, and palpation.
Contact Info:
If you would like to consider this candidate for your position, please refer to their Reference Number and contact Kirk Hansen at or call 308-382-7370.