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Reference Number: NA-9488535331

Farm Manager

Candidate Description:

This Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT candidate has been very fortunate to have been able to see many different operations across both North and South America and gained significant experience in both conventional and organic production, from seed production to commercial production, and from the Farmer to General Manager level. He has been given the opportunities to build and rebuild farms and operations as a whole and been tasked with difficult responsibilities such as cutting a labor budget by a million dollars in 12 months, erasing 30 million dollars in three years and operating on a cash basis nine months out of twelve. He was able to take the same farm and increase potato yields by 38% and pack out 30% in a three-year time period. He is currently the Farm Director overseeing six different farms and farm managers and supervisors spanning from northeast Oregon to south-central Washington along with managing the day-to-day operations of the potato seed farm in Oregon. He oversees both conventional and organic crops including wheat, sweet corn, canner peas, high moisture corn, dry corn, silage corn, squash, carrots, dry beans, potatoes, alfalfa, blue grass seed, fescue seed, rye grass seed, riparian and restoration grass seed, seed wheat, seed barley, seed peas, dry bean seed, and seed potatoes.
Contact Info:

If you would like to consider this candidate for your position, please refer to their Reference Number and contact Eric Hansen at eric@hansenagriplacement.com or call 308-382-7351.