Reference Number: NA-2006218265
Candidate Description:
This Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT candidate has experience working at cattle ranches that run cow calf operations and worked the cattle on horseback. He has worked with young horses riding them as well as doing basic groundwork with them. He has used well behaved cow dogs that allow him to complete tasks with cattle that would normally require more ranch hands. He is mechanically inclined and has experience operating skid steers, backhoes, and other large equipment. He is self-driven and takes pride in the work that he does. He enjoys seeing a problem and the challenge of figuring out how to resolve it. He enjoys hard work and does not feel that any job is too small for him to do or that he already knows everything. He has a diverse skillset and would like to keep building these skills and learning new things.
Contact Info:
If you would like to consider this candidate for your position, please refer to their Reference Number and contact Eric Hansen at or call 308-382-7351.