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Reference Number: NA-3657507078

Ranch Manager

Candidate Description:

This Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT candidate has 10+ years of experience in ranch management positions under various ownership goals and objectives. In 2013 he graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.Sc. degree in Rangeland Ecology and Management with a minor in Agronomy. This education has facilitated a strong passion for low-input production and resource management where grazing and animal performance are balanced to meet goals of management. His roles in this work have included developing females on native and improved forages and selecting for replacements focused on fertility, sound frame, sound disposition, and low maintenance requirements. His experience in grazing management has involved development of grazing plans, handling cattle using low stress stockmanship, and creating opportunities to increase production with stockers and bred heifers. Being a manager on a 560,000-acre ranch has also allowed him to grow in responsibilities that include supervising and developing employees, budgeting and forecasting, and oversight of projects surrounding ranch management. He embraces keeping ranch facilities maintained and functional. He's looking for quality housing for his family. His focus has always been to exceed ownership goals with respect to the land, cattle, and people involved in the business. These skills speak to his ability to continually mature, adapt, and operate in a humble manner while being a long-term asset for a ranch business. He is currently going through an advanced ag educational school to improve himself as a manager who can integrate economic profitability with land stewardship and drive sound decision making. His core values of being committed to excellence, holding himself accountable, staying focused on fundamentals, and being a leader who cares deeply for the people in the business are noble and worth being valued. His hope is to become an asset and valued team member that proves to act in a manner worthy of those values. He is driven and motivated by a genuine love for the land and livestock and having the opportunity to raise his family to love and respect the land and livestock as well.
Contact Info:

If you would like to consider this candidate for your position, please refer to their Reference Number and contact Eric Hansen at eric@hansenagriplacement.com or call 308-382-7351.