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Reference Number: NA-1052970859

Ranch / Herdsman

Candidate Description:

This Hansen Agri-PLACEMENT candidate grew up and still stays involved with his family’s ranch. He assists with planning, purchasing and marketing stocker calves, on weekend help on the ranch, and is involved with budgeting and future planning. He also takes the lead in their cattle operation, specifically in the areas of genetics, feeding, calving, and vaccinations. For the last four years he has artificially inseminated about 100 cows and heifers annually. He has many skills obtained though out his life on the ranch that are very helpful, but he knows there is room for to learn more. Since graduating from Montana State University with a degree in Animal Science he has been working full time for a ranch management company as part of their management group. Through this position, he has had the opportunity to work in many aspects of ranch management. This includes, but not limited to: day-to-day operational input, marketing livestock, budgeting, financial analysis, operational consulting, personnel placement, daily bookkeeping and assisting with operational planning for ranch sales, requiring a great deal of mental dexterity, constant communication with clients and other business professionals, and agricultural knowledge. He has become versed in both the operational and business aspect of agriculture and now would like to find a hands-on position on a ranch.
Contact Info:

If you would like to consider this candidate for your position, please refer to their Reference Number and contact Eric Hansen at eric@hansenagriplacement.com or call 308-382-7351.